Monday, July 22, 2013

New Media & The Future

The human race has a constant need to evolve, progress, invent and explore. This has led not only to exploring outer space, and the depths of our own oceans, but also in the ongoing creation of new forms of media and new ways to access/enjoy that media. We've gone from building sized computers, to phones that possess more computing power and fit in the palm of our hand, and this will only continue. With possible new media forms such as holographic technology or AR (Augmented Reality), just to name a few, on the horizon, we can see how our boundaries will continue to be pushed and explored.

To study new media, as we have in this class, we must immerse ourselves in the field and the media that it contains, and to attempt to throw away our preconceptions and start anew, as with many of these new forms of media, we cannot justly compare them to previous 'established' forms, for they may not comparable in the least. It's an area I think is very important to study, hence being in this class, and I hope more classes in this field are offered to students in the future.

What are New Forms of Media? How Can We Study Them?

New Media can be defined as every single electronical device that has been recreated. This means that the upgrade of device equals remediation, so it is seen as a new form of media again even if there is only slight changes to its outward appearance. Its abilities, however, are better after every single remediation.
The process of remediation seems endless. There are always new updates, new softwares and new ideas influencing media. It is a delicate metter to study new media, because there are continuously changes made, so that there cannot be made any generalizations or finite statements about new media that are studied.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The New Medium

Studying new forms of media, we always have to keep in mind that what we consider New Media won’t be new in a couple of years, especially since the field of media is growing so rapidly and at the same time constantly changing and morphing into other forms of new media – the remediated versions of new new media which, in turn, will also be recent or old media eventually. The seminar gave a nice overview of the current forms of new media and how people attempt to study them but, as Jessica already mentioned in her entry, there is much more to it and we cannot go beyond the very basics of studying New Media within the short period of time we had during this semester.

Gender and Video Games

As much as I love video games – I really hate the same old discussions about gender, be it in video games, movies or real life. The symposium group was dealing with a text about a study on the video game “Second Life” where women tend to create better looking avatars than they actually look in real life which eventually led to the idea that women in video games were always depicted as very attractive and sexy. Now, feminists tend to argue that this was an insult to all ‘real’ women, since they are rather seen as an object (princesses being taken away or wives and daughters getting killed) than a person and they would demand equality. The term ‘equality’ tends to be misunderstood though, since many feminists want women to become superior to men rather than equal.

I – being a woman – do not have any problems with women being depicted as the physically weaker sex, simply because we actually are. Although I have to say that I tend to get annoyed by the excessive use of women as kind of a sexual highlight for a game simply to reach more people (since most gamers are male), I really don’t like these overly strong women who can easily take out any man in a fight, no matter how strong and well trained he is. That is not my perception of equality between genders. As to the unrealistic attractive women being shown in video games: that’s the very same with male characters who tend to be way too muscular and/or attractive in comparison to a real person.  

I could go on and on about this topic, but I’ll just end it with one question: would you really want to play a female plumber saving a prince who got kidnapped?

Friday, July 12, 2013

What are new forms of media? How can we study them?

New forms of media are all media which have either been computerised by a computer chip or by remediation. As the seminar has shown shown so far new media can be studied in very different ways and on different levels. Especially in this course we focused on literary theories and the comparison to new media like TV series, movies or video games. One can analyse if their do represent reality or not. The question of simulation and simulacra is also comparable to all these media. However, ‘simple’ literary theories and topics like identifying the narrative situation or talking about gender are also aspects of new media which can be studied. All in all, new media are very complex and cover a high number of different academic topics. Through the last 13 weeks, we only covered some of these topics. However, there is still more. Because of the constant process of remediation new media will be created future generations of students will analyse and study at university because we will never run out of interesting topics.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Video Games and Gender

Although I am a woman I do hardly disagree on today’s session and the opinions concerning gender the other students mentioned. First of all, the representation of women within video games and the ostensibly lack of women as protagonists is, in my opinion, neither a discrimination of women nor a gender related social problem which has to be changed. Of course, it is true that the majority of video games consist of male main character who have to rescue a woman. Nevertheless, I do not see this as discrimination but a completely normal and logical relation. As we talked about the example of Kim Possible, who is the female protagonist, and her male friend Ron Stoppable, who always gets in trouble and has to be rescued by Kim, isn’ t it strange that the man is the weaker sex? I could not take such a man seriously. In my opinion, it is just a game and I do not feel personally   discriminated if a man has to save a woman.
Talking about the topic discussed in today’s reading material, the avatar of women, I have to say that I cannot agree on the author’s opinion. Of course, there might be a few women who create a beautiful and non-realistic avatar because they wish to look like this. In my opinion, however, this is the minority. If I have to create an avatar, she would definitely not look like me. But that does not mean that I think I am not pretty. It is just a nice chance to create a new character. If my avatar looks like a rock star, that does not mean I am unhappy with my career and want to be a rock star.  
Discussions like these, talking about gender, make me always very angry. I am an independent, educated and self-confidential woman and do not share the opinion that women have to take care of the household and children.  Nevertheless, in video games there are specific roles which do not have anything to do with discrimination. It is just a fictive world consisting of heroes and men saving women is more attractive than women saving men.

Second Life

The article "Identity and Gender in Second Life" that was published in the book Living Virtually deals with women that are actively participating in the online game Second Life. The text deals with women who were interviewed and asked questions while participating in the online game. The main issue that the text is about are the avatars especially women create for themselves. They are usually very attractive with bodies as athletic as those of models. These women live in a virtual world where they look good and try to be popular and integrated. In real live, these women admitted, that they do not look as their avatars, but they wished they would. I think these women are not self-confident at all. If they were, they would get out of their houses more often and meet real people.
The most grotesque example, to my mind, were Cici and her husband ( Living Virtually 159). Cici seems to be upset with the doings of her husbands avatar. She is complaining about him dating other avatars, but even if she sits next to him in the real world she does not say anything to him. Cici seems to be unable to seperate the real world from the virtual one. In cases like this I question myself whether this kind of addiction to a video game like Second Life can have a serious influence on real relationships. These people have no possibility to find someone or meet someone in real life when they are spending their entire time in virtual worlds like this.

Loke, Jaime. "Identity and Gender in Second Life." Living Virtually Researching New Worlds. Ed. Heider, Don.  Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York: 2009. Print. 145-161.