Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Is the question of reality important?

I would partly agree on the opinion that it is important.  The series Homeland uses typical American stereotypes the majority of the audience can identify with. If we are able to indemnify ourselves with one or more character we tend to believe that this is true. When I watch a movie where a traditional German is represented, I think “Yes, that’s exactly the way we are!”. Combining this with real stories or common topics/fears a series like Homeland becomes partly realistic. As I read some months ago, even Barack Obama is a huge fan of this series and I do not think that this is for its entertainment. He as the President of the United States is aware of the real situation and I do not think that he would like Homeland if its content is fictional or too far from reality. So, not only character based but also content based it can be said that the audience can rely on the presented content as real or trustworthy but only partly. Nevertheless, I think it is quite obvious that non TV series or movie is fully reliable as well as deals with only the truth. In order to entertain a broad audience it is not possible to produce a successful series without adding some fiction.

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