last session was focused on the question "What is new media?" based
on Robert K. Logan´s work Understanding New Media. The solution to this
question was that New Media has a main emphasis on visuality, so it can be seen
as art. Furthermore, the question in how far media would be a threat to
literary studies came up. In some ways, it definitely is a threat, because it
is becoming more difficult to value the quality of new types of literature, due
to the speed New Media is developing. Moreover, new innovations change the type
of consumption of literature (Kindle, iPad). Another interesting question
concerning Old Media becoming New Media was uttered. Old Media becomes new
thanks to new innovation. This process is called "remediation"
Logan, Roger K. Understanding New Media: Extending Marshall McLuhan. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. 4-13. Print
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ReplyDeleteApart from that: decent comments on your entire blog so far!
Stefan Brasse